An event organized by Bordeaux Events And More
Craftsman of the ephemeral
The event is in a way, the DNA of Bordeaux Events And More, whose activity is centered around 2 big poles:
- Organisation of public events and trade fairs (Jumping International de Bordeaux, the Salon du Cheval, Aquibat, Foire Internationale de Bordeaux, Vinitech-Sifel, Exp'hotel, ELECTRIC-ROAD).
- Co-producing of public events and trade fairs (Salon de l'Agriculture de Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Bordeaux Geek Festival, SiteVinitech, UAV Show)
These two poles represent more than 300 events hosted every year on our various sites.
Bordeaux Events And More handles the operation and the maintenance of big sites of the business tourism of Bordeaux.
- Exhibitions Centre (84 000 m² indoor)
- Convention Centre (3 amphitheaters with a total capacity of 2 000 persons, a space of exhibition of 3 000 m²)
- Hangar 14 (5 400 m²)
(Bordeaux Events And More has been renewed to manage these 3 sites for a duration of 15 years, until December 31st, 2027**).
- Cité Mondiale Convention Center (1 200 places)
Key figures
With 110 employees and more than 300 events hosted on average per year, the activity of Bordeaux Events And More constitutes an important economic lever for the territory. It generated in 2013 a flow of 960 204 persons and a turnover of about 32,5 million of euros.
For further information on Bordeaux Events And More :